Sales Tracking as a Breeze

Close more deals and save time for yourself

ForestCRM is focused on lead management and sales activity tracking

Tools that support sales managers and field sales alike

Integrated business lead and task management

Guides the sales process from pre-contact to past contract

Efficient for overseeing a handful of salespeople

For small businesses that do personal sales

Get Rid of The Daily Sales Annoyances

Many of our clients used to face these issues every day — they no longer do. And you?

Get New Business Easily

  • Have you ever lost a business because something was forgotten in the sales process?
  • Can you predict the decline of sales activities results? Can you make the necessary steps to avoid it in time?
  • Can you overview the sales activities and results at your company? Can you compare periods?
  • Do you always remember what was the previous sales step of a client? Do you always have a next step to follow up?
  • Can you measure the performance of salespeople by objective numbers?
  • Can you reach the clients’ s sales history anywhere: during the negotiation or in your car?

Save Your Time

  • Can you easily access the latest version of the offerings or contracts?
  • Want to share client and sales information with your colleagues?
  • Do you want to become a computer expert or simply use an application?
  • Can you see all the relevant emails sent to the client by other colleagues?
  • The salespeople do not use the current system. Is it too complicated, time consuming, difficult to understand or to use?
  • Do you have more information about your clients and sales process than your diary, smartphone or spreadsheets can easily handle?

Why is it a Breeze?

Why choose ForestCRM?

It is Simple: easy to learn, easy to use

You can start using right away

No setup required

Little input for lots of useful insights

Salespeople like to use it

Decrease Administration

You can input all fields through voice recognition: it's hands-free and fun.
But of course you can always type as well.